Message from our Chairman, Leslie Dickson

Answering Our Call to Lead

VoicePRO President and Coach Leslie DicksonThere’s not one of us that doesn’t want our ideas to be understood, our expertise recognized, and our voice to be heard, both in business and in life.

Unfortunately, only a few get connected with the right tools and guidance to achieve these goals, and then go on to translate them into success for their careers and organizations.

VoicePRO was founded over 30 years ago by an innovator who not only understood these core needs, but also had the talent and determination to achieve them herself and lead others to the same level of success.

By combining the most effective theatrical, musical, martial arts and sports techniques, Carolyn Dickson created programs that help people communicate confidently and authentically, creating that emotional connection needed to be successful.

Businesses change, the workforce changes and the environment changes. But one thing remains the same: organizations that understand how to develop leaders who connect with each other are always one step ahead.

Leadership is about the ability to speak, engage and connect with those around you. That is why we continue to be at the forefront of creating solutions and teaching skills that meet the evolving communication challenges organizations face in today’s marketplace.

This is how we are evolving leadership.

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