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Luanne Paynick

Voicepro director of programs Luanne Paynick

Despite decades of experience in training and coaching, Luanne remains in search of new knowledge to make a positive difference for VoicePRO clients.

She is a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation. She attended the Newfield Network Coaching School and was certified in 2011. She also completed The Wellness Inventory and Coaching Practicum and was certified in 2012. Luanne is a member of the International Coach Federation.

Luanne was a director of training, a training manager, and a training specialist for a national retail organization and a national dental practice management group. She loves the unique opportunity at VoicePRO to give people a voice and a presence supported with confidence, openness, and clarity.

Never content standing still, Luanne likes committing her energy to exercising, gardening, cooking, and healthy maintaining a healthy approach to living. Her search for new approaches keeps VoicePRO programs fresh and on the cutting edge.

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