Podcast Feed

Episode #35 The Art of Dialogue

What does the art of dialogue mean? Dialogue means taking part in a conversation or discussion to resolve differences. Talking respectfully with others that you may not be in agreement with is becoming further and further out of reach in this era. In order to thrive in business, and in our society as a whole, we need to get back to honest respectful discussions, even when we disagree. We need to get back to dialogue.

Episode #34 New Work Environment

Here is the reality. There is no normal in the new normal! So, without any precedent to guide you through the whitewater torrent of getting back to work, how do you manage? There are new rules for managing the work environment for your staff, your teams, your departments, and the entire organization. The rules include listening, empathy and the ability to adapt. This podcast can give you some insights as you plunge through the raging torrent.

Episode #33 Suporting Vulnerability in others as a Leader

As a leader, how can you best support vulnerability in others? This can mean supporting your team, colleagues and even clients and customers. Supporting someone’s willingness to open themselves up to risk can yield huge benefits for you, them, and your organization. Are you supportive, and in the right way?

Episode #32 Managing Vulnerability as a Leader

How do you manage your vulnerability as a leader? Preparation is a key component in managing your feelings of vulnerability and in keeping your emotions in check, which will allow you to channel those emotion to your benefit rather than to your detriment.

Episode #31 Defining Vulnerability in Leaders

Do vulnerability and courage work together? What is the tipping point when vulnerability either becomes courage or when it becomes avoidance? Is it in your power to control?

Episode #30 Vulnerability in Leaders

Vulnerability vs. perfectionism. Do you embrace the challenges of vulnerability, or do you shy away from them? Open yourself to the leadership quality that is vulnerability and learn more, build more skills and change habits. Listen to this episode to learn more.

Episode #29 Your Executive Coach & Your Company

What is the role of your company when it comes to utilizing the services of an executive coach? Are there confidentiality concerns between you and your coach when your company has sponsored the engagement? Is a coaching recommendation from your company a penalty for bad performance? There are many questions that need to be answered when considering executive coaching. This episode can help answer some of those questions.

Episode #28 Finding a Good Executive Coach

Do you know what kind of an executive coach you need? Do you know where to look for an executive coach? How can you tell if the coach you find is the right fit? These are critical questions that need to be answered to get the very best coaching experience for you. This episode of Speaking Magic can help answer these questions.

Episode #27 What is Executive Coaching

What is an executive coach and why would you need one? Have you been thrust into a new role and don’t feel you are fully prepared for the challenges? Is your work environment a nurturing place that allows for the failures that are needed to succeed? Or, is it not. A coach may just be the answer to giving you the tools and helping you build the skills needed to reach your goals. Listen to this episode and find out the ins and outs of executive coaching.

Episode #26 I-Statements

Making simple word changes while talking to another person can have a significant effect on how that person hears and responds to you. Speaking from your point of view is a great way to avoid getting a protect and defend response when talking about sensitive subjects. Listen to this episode and find out how to modify your approach for a more positive outcome.

Episode #25 DISC Style C

The DISC behavioral assessment is an effective tool in determining what behavioral style you are. This knowledge can give you insights into how to interact with others for more effective relationships. This week’s focus is on the DISC style “C” (compliance), and is characterized by an analytical mind, detailed oriented and getting the job done right. Are you a “C” core style, or do you interact with “C’s”? Listen to this episode to learn more.

Episode #24 – Loyal Organized (S)teady

The DISC behavioral assessment is an effective tool in determining what behavioral style you are. This knowledge can give you insights into how to interact with others for more effective relationships. This weeks focus is on the DISC style “S” (Steady), and is characterized by loyalty, team oriented and organized. Are you an “S”, or do you interact with “S’s”? Listen to this episode to learn more.

Episode #23 – Social Optimistic (I)nfluence

The DISC behavioral assessment is an effective tool in determining what behavioral style you are. This knowledge can give you insights into how to interact with others for more effective relationships. This weeks focus in on the DISC style “I” (Influence), and is characterized by kindness, positive outlook and people-centric. Are you an “I”, or do you interact with “I’s”? Listen to this episode to learn more.

Episode #22 – Are You (D)ominant

The DISC behavioral assessment is an effective tool in determining what behavioral style you are. This knowledge can give you insights into how to interact with others for more effective relationships. Listen to this episode to learn about the D, Dominant, style…is it you or is it someone you know?

Episode #21 – What Can Behavioral Assessments Do

Understanding your behavioral style, and the style of those you interact with, can tip the scales between making a meaningful connection and building a productive relationship – or slipping into misunderstanding and conflict. Do you know what your behavioral style is and how to leverage that knowledge?

Episode #20 – Controlling Public Speaking Anxiety

Even the most experienced speakers get nervous. You can learn to manage your public speaking anxiety so that you show up for your audience with confidence and clarity. Listen to this episode and learn what you can do.

Episode #19 – Anxiety and Public Speaking

Are you successful at controlling your anxiety when speaking in front of groups of people? Do you know the causes of that anxiety and how you can manage it? There are ways that will work for you. Listen and learn more.

Episode #18 – How to Make Genuine Eye Contact

Making meaningful eye contact is not a mechanical operation. It’s a genuine human to human engagement that helps build trust and understanding. Genuine eye contact is not easy for everyone but everyone can learn how to do it. It is a skill.

Episode #17 – Why Make Eye Conctact

Why do you need to make eye contact? Why is it so important to making meaningful connections with others, as well as establishing your own credibility? Listen to this episode and learn why it is so important.

Episode #16 – Preventing Emotional Hijacking, with Dr Beth Shapiro

Can you redirect your thoughts as your buttons are being pushed and your emotions are being hijacked? Have you developed the skills to prevent those buttons from being pushed, or getting yourself back on track when they are? Join Dr. Beth Shapiro as she discusses ways to sidetrack the hijack. Listen to this episode and find out how.

Episode #15 – Defining Emotional Hijacking, with Dr Beth Shapiro

Can you control your emotional triggers? Or are you at the mercy of emotional hijacking? Dr. Beth Shapiro has some suggestions that can go a long way in keeping you in control of your emotions during stressful times.

Episode #14 – Delivering Bad News

How can you take the dread out of delivering bad news? Do you avoid giving people bad news? Are you intimidated by what a person’s reaction might be? And, delaying the inevitable can make a situation worse, for you and for the receiver. Listen to this episode and learn ways to address bad news with thoughtfulness and empathy.

Episode #13 – An Interview with Carolyn Dickson-Part 2

Carolyn Dickson, founder of VoicePRO inc. continues her discussion, and talks about how critically important professional coaching is to a successful career.

Episode #12 – An Interview with Carolyn Dickson-Part 1

Join Carolyn Dickson, founder of VoicePRO Inc. as she talks about the journey of creating and growing VoicePRO from its genesis in theater and classical singing to the programs that have help business people grow their successes for over three and a half decades.

Episode #11 – What’s your Story

What are the sources of the stories you can use to persuade, influence and motivate? Look around you, they are at the tips of your fingers. Learn how to mine your experiences to create stories that will help you connect, grow and thrive.

Episode #10 – Making a Story Good

What makes a story compelling? What makes it inspirational and motivates the listener to take action? You must make a connection. Listen to this episode to find out more.

Episode #9 – The Importance of Stories

What is the purpose of stories in business, why are they important and how can they help you to succeed? Listen to this episode to learn more.

Epesode #8-Tuning your presentation content

How do you craft the content of your presentation; beginning, middle and end, for maximum effectiveness in moving your audience to action? Listen and learn how.

Epesode #7: 3 Important Questions to a Great Presentation

Listen and learn the 3 questions that need to be answered to create a presentation that will move your audience to action.

Epesode #6: Presentation Content Preparation

What are some of the major pitfalls to avoid when creating a dynamic, engaging and influential presentation. Listen, and learn how to avoid them.

Episode #5: Conflict-Find Your Courage

Do you dread having difficult conversations, especially ones you know will likely be contentious? Listen to this episode to learn how to make those tough conversations a little less contentious, and a lot more productive.

Episode #4: Conflict – Being Prepared

How do you get your arms around a potential conflict? How do you prepare for a tough conversation that could be fraught with conflict? Preparation is key. Listen and find out more.

Episode #3: Conflict – When the Pictures Don’t Match

What is the cost of being right? Walking in the other persons shoes can be an enlightening way to manage the conflict in your life. Listen and find out how.

Episode #2: Conflict – Do you Have a Vision

Having a vision of what you want to achieve can help clarify your goals, and how you interact with others. Listen, and learn how your vision can help you maneuver conflict that arises from pursuing your goals.

Episode #1: Conflict – How to Maintain the Relationship

Conflict management can be an effective tool to build stronger relationships, and drive results. Learn how to harness the conflict in your life for positive outcomes.

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