VoicePRO News & Blog
Leadership Training & Effective Communication Strategies.
Connecting: The Communication Skill That Quells Chaos
I just got off of the phone from having a heartwarming conversation, with a client I have known for years. At this point, I’d say we are friends— which is comforting in this era of uncertainty, change, and technology. I also just finished reading an article in the Elephant Journal Entitled “10 Ways to Feel […]
Executive Presence: How to Accept Feedback
Have you ever gotten feedback from someone at work that sounded something like this? “You ramble or get off point” “I can’t understand you” “You come across as too aggressive” “You don’t convey confidence” “I need you to be stronger” “I can’t understand your accent” “You said “ah” or “um” fifty times in five minutes” […]
3 Public Speaking Tips From James Bond
Over the past month, the Bond franchise has come roaring back with the International hit Skyfall. Of course, considering the character, the movie is full of incredible stunts, gorgeous locales, and even some high tech gadgetry. However, unlike Bond films of the past, which pit Bond against a maniacal villain bent on world domination or […]
Survival Tips For A Last Minute Speech
Updated: March 11th, 2019 It happens… we hear it from a number of our clients. You walk into a meeting (business, service club, community), and one of the organizers asks, “I know this is short notice, but could you say a few words about the project or the plan or the new product? Even someone […]
Improve Your Communication Skills With Power Listening
Remember this feeling? You’re at a conference or a networking event, having a conversation with a colleague. Suddenly you notice his eyes have wandered away from your face, over your shoulder, to scan the room for other contacts. Or try this scenario. You’re sitting across the desk from your supervisor to discuss a project. Every […]
3 Ways To Avoid The Communication Panic Switch
My best friend got her dream job in July. It was a perfect fit to her expertise, yet still stretched her beyond her current comfort zone. She would have the opportunity to make a difference in an organization that was growing by leaps and bounds – a big difference from her previous job that caused […]
Do Words Really Matter in Effective Communication?
In the communication development field, these statistics are often quoted: 93% of communication is non-verbal. 55% of impact comes from body language and 38% is tone of voice. Your words make up only 7% of the impact. We hear those stats at VoicePRO. We’ve even repeated it on occasion. But the fact is, it’s not […]
Communication Skills to Create the Happiest Job in America
Ever dream about your perfect job? It’s a topic that comes up with VoicePRO clients regularly. What’s your perfect job look like? What do you do all day? How much do you make? Who’s sitting at the next desk? Well, the good folks at a company called CareerBliss, an online career community, have done some light […]
3 Communication Skills I Learned From James Bond
Here’s a simple equation that most teenage boys learn: James Bond = Cool Considering the Bond films are the longest running franchise in movie history, it’s hard to argue the character’s appeal. He’s suave, cool under pressure, deadly when needed, and of course, irresistible to women. If only you could enter work with the bravado […]
3 Political Campaign Mistakes That Will Destroy Your Office
The American political landscape has been ugly for as long as I can remember. The Republican primaries are a timely example. As the campaign continues, the candidates make cringe-worthy, preposterous statements, personally attack the president and each other, and proclaim that four years with another candidate will lead to Armageddon. All the while, they fail […]